Man standing outside with case on his wrist and upper forearm

Types of Injuries and Accidents to Avoid This Spring 

As the snow melts and the days grow longer, spring invites us outdoors to enjoy warmer weather and the renewal of nature. However, this season of growth and activity also brings its own risk of injuries and accidents. Whether you’re dusting off your bicycle, planning your garden, or preparing for a long-awaited spring break trip, safety should always be your top priority. Here’s what you should look out for to keep yourself safe this spring.

Sports Injuries

With the arrival of spring, many of us are eager to participate in outdoor sports such as baseball, soccer, and cycling. However, these activities can lead to serious injuries like sprains, fractures, concussions, and muscle strains if we’re not careful. To minimize the risk of injury, be sure to wear the right safety gear and warm up properly before engaging in any sports activity.

Traffic Accidents

The spring season often ushers in a surge in road traffic, which includes more cyclists and motorcyclists sharing the roads, which can increase the likelihood of accidents. Changing weather conditions, such as rain or fog, can also affect driving visibility and road traction. Both drivers and cyclists can prevent accidents by staying alert, obeying traffic signs, and using lights. Motorcyclists and bicyclists should wear reflective gear when riding during low visibility conditions. 

Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents

Spring’s unpredictable weather can lead to wet and slippery surfaces, increasing the risk of slip- or trip-and-fall accidents. These incidents can occur both indoors and outdoors, leading to injuries ranging from minor bruises to serious fractures. To prevent such accidents, remember to wear shoes with good traction and keep walkways, driveways, and entryways clear of hazards like debris and ice. 

Home and Garden Accidents

Home and garden activities such as gardening, lawn mowing, and spring cleaning are popular this time of year. However, these activities come with the risk of cuts, falls, back strains, and exposure to harmful chemicals. To avoid these injuries, always use tools and machinery according to the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective gear like gloves, goggles, and ear protection. 

Dog Bites and Animal-Related Injuries

As people and their pets spend more time outdoors, the risk of dog bites and other animal-related injuries increases. To reduce these risks, avoid approaching unfamiliar animals and teach children to do the same. When meeting a new dog, allow it to see and sniff you first before attempting to pet it. Dog owners should ensure their pets are well-trained and socialized to prevent aggressive behaviors. 

Defective Product Accidents

The use of warm-weather products such as grills, lawnmowers, and gardening equipment begins in spring. Serious injuries can occur if these products are defective or used improperly. To prevent accidents, regularly check for recalls and safety alerts for your products. Before using any equipment, inspect it for wear and tear or defects, perform necessary maintenance, and don appropriate safety gear.

Water-Related Accidents

Water-related activities such as boating, fishing, and swimming are popular in late spring especially but can lead to drowning or watercraft accidents if proper safety measures are not followed. Always wear a life jacket when on a boat, regardless of your swimming abilities. Supervise children closely near water and teach them to swim and to follow water safety rules. Refrain from alcohol consumption when participating in water activities, as it impairs judgment and coordination.

Travel and Vacation Accidents

Travel is common over spring break and other holidays this time of year, which can expose travelers to various risks, including car accidents, falls, and recreational mishaps. Carefully planning your trip can mitigate these risks. This includes researching your destination for any travel advisories, familiarizing yourself with local laws and customs, and ensuring your accommodations are safe.

Contact a North Mississippi Personal Injury Lawyer Now

Accidents and injuries can happen even when you take every precaution, but you don’t have to deal with their aftermath alone. If you or someone you love suffers an injury this spring for which someone else is to blame, the team at Chatham Gilder Howell & Pittman is here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your situation and how we can assist you.

About the Author
Jefferson D. Gilder is a Partner at Chatham Gilder Howell Pittman and was admitted to the Mississippi and Tennessee Bars in 1990. Mr. Gilder is admitted to practice in all courts in Mississippi and Tennessee including Federal Court, the Fifth and Sixth Circuit Courts of Appeal, and the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Gilder's areas of practice include personal injury, criminal, medical malpractice, civil rights, and product liability. Mr. Gilder spent his first ten years as an attorney practicing with his father, Robert G. Gilder, at Gilder Law Firm in Southaven, Mississippi before forming Gilder, Howell & Assoc., P.A. with Jamie W. Howell, Jr. in June of 2000. This firm although as another legal entity has now combined their resources and experience with Chatham – Pittman, to form Chatham Gilder Howell Pittman. If you have any questions about this article, you can reach Jefferson through our contact page.