The Dangers of Driving Under The Influence
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of 28 people die and thousands more are injured in alcohol-related crashes each day. Drunk driving remains one of the leading causes of collisions in the country and is also the most preventable.
Because of this, President Obama designated December as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month in 2012. It has since served as a means to bring awareness to this issue and encourage all drivers to reduce the risk of preventable accidents caused by impaired driving. Read on to learn more about how widespread a problem this remains.
Mississippi’s Drunk Driving Statistics
Recent data from the NHTSA shows that Mississippi has one of the higher rates of alcohol-impaired driving in the country. In 2019, 26% of roadway fatalities in the state involved an impaired driver. Although this is slightly lower than the national average, it shows a steady increase over the past several years (+8% in crashes from 2017 to 2019). Here are some other startling statistics:
- In 2012, the rate of DUI deaths per 100,000 population was almost double in Mississippi than the national average across all age groups (CDC).
- 60% of fatalities involved a driver with a BAC over .15%.
- Fatal crashes involving repeat offenders were almost 8% higher in Mississippi than the national average.
- 22% of all Mississippi vehicle fatalities for adults under 21 involve an impaired driver.
- For other impairments, cannabis is the top drug detected in the state.
Drivers have a responsibility to drive sober, and you shouldn’t be put at risk of these preventable accidents. Know that you can take legal action against a drunk driver who caused injury to you or death to a loved one.
Chatham Gilder Howell Pittman PLLC is dedicated to keeping your family safe and will work with you to obtain the maximum compensation possible in an accident involving an impaired driver. Call (662) 222-0597 to schedule a free consultation with one of The Lawyers That Listen.